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Discover valuable tips and strategies for senior financial planning. From managing healthcare expenses to budgeting for retirement, explore resources that help seniors plan for a secure financial future.

3 Quick Personal Finance Tips to Kick off 2019

When it comes to personal finances, it’s easy to put them in the too-hard basket and forget about them. The thing is, like living a healthier lifestyle by moving more, taking care of your personal finances leads to a healthier financial way of life (like having greater peace of mind and the freedom to do [...]

2019-01-23T17:41:38-08:00January 23rd, 2019|senior financial planning|Comments Off on 3 Quick Personal Finance Tips to Kick off 2019

Should You Roll over Your 401(k) When You Retire?

Do you wonder if you should rollover your 401(k)? After all, your last day at work is coming up. You’re dreaming about your new freedoms — like meeting friends for coffee on a Monday ... in your running gear. Over the years, you’ve invested in your 401(k) with the added benefit of your company’s matching [...]

2018-08-20T13:35:31-07:00August 21st, 2018|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Should You Roll over Your 401(k) When You Retire?

How to Talk to Your Adult Children About a Life Insurance Policy Transfer

A life insurance policy transfer to your adult children can help sustain your investment should your financial situation change... Twenty years ago, Donna bought a life insurance policy. When she chose the plan, she predicted as best she could the premium she’d be able to afford. But in recent years, financial challenges have made [...]

2018-08-02T16:38:09-07:00August 2nd, 2018|senior financial planning|Comments Off on How to Talk to Your Adult Children About a Life Insurance Policy Transfer

Long-term Care Insurance: Do You Need IT?

William and his son, Jack, listen as the doctor explains the long-term care William will now need. Jack can cook for his dad, but William will need help with everyday tasks, such as dressing and bathing. And that means hiring care providers to come to William's home. Thankfully, his long-term care insurance will help with this new expense. [...]

2018-06-27T08:45:16-07:00June 27th, 2018|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Long-term Care Insurance: Do You Need IT?

5 Advantages to Annuities: Optimizing your Retirement Finances

Annuities offer some considerable benefits over other kinds of retirement investments, especially for those not able or willing to risk losing a portion of their retirement savings. Here’s the big advantages to going the annuity route: Lifetime Income – With an immediate lifetime annuity contract, you are guaranteed periodic payments for as long as you [...]

2020-10-13T17:13:32-07:00August 18th, 2017|senior financial planning|Comments Off on 5 Advantages to Annuities: Optimizing your Retirement Finances

What Should Seniors Know About Medicare Reform?

Medicare and Medicaid reform makes headlines on a daily basis. The past decade has seen major changes to Medicare and Medicaid, and if the proposed GOP healthcare bill is passed, more changes are yet to come. What should seniors know about Medicare reform? What’s Getting Cut? First of all, understand that Medicaid is the primary [...]

2020-10-13T17:13:12-07:00July 10th, 2017|senior financial planning, Senior Health Insurance|Comments Off on What Should Seniors Know About Medicare Reform?

Top 5 Facts to Know for Seniors Considering a Reverse Mortgage

The reverse mortgage is a useful tool that can successfully support seniors during their retirement years – it’s a way to use your biggest asset, your home, for consistent income over the course of decades. While reverse mortgages have supported hundreds of thousands of seniors’ retirement budgets, they don’t come without a certain level of [...]

2020-10-13T17:12:50-07:00July 5th, 2017|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Top 5 Facts to Know for Seniors Considering a Reverse Mortgage

Financial Advice for Seniors: 6 Tips for Long-Lasting Security

Managing money in retirement isn’t always the easiest task. From portfolio inquiries to budget predictions, reliable financial advice for seniors can help answer your questions and make funds last, providing a sense of security throughout the later years of your life. […]

2020-10-13T17:07:54-07:00July 18th, 2016|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Financial Advice for Seniors: 6 Tips for Long-Lasting Security

Life Insurance for Seniors: Do You Need It?

Throughout your adult life, you’ve made your life insurance payments each month gladly. It was a small price to pay for the knowledge that your family would be completely taken care of in the event of your untimely death. […]

2016-06-06T08:52:43-07:00June 6th, 2016|senior financial planning, Senior Health Insurance|Comments Off on Life Insurance for Seniors: Do You Need It?

College Savings for Your Grandchild: What’s the Best Option?

There is no denying it: college is quite expensive these days. If your grandchild is still a baby or toddler, imagine how much costlier it will be for them to complete a degree almost two decades from now. […]

2016-04-18T08:45:13-07:00April 18th, 2016|senior financial planning|Comments Off on College Savings for Your Grandchild: What’s the Best Option?
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